In the past week, we have streng­the­ned our search for a social worker. The per­so­nal care and coun­seling of the NAOMI par­ti­ci­pan­ts (par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the cour­ses, resi­dents of the apart­ments ren­ted) must be pro­fes­sio­nal­ly desi­gned and cri­te­ria for the assis­tance must be drawn up. This is an attempt about report­ing the plan of the job descrip­ti­on based on the needs and the goals of NAOMI: 

1.) Vol­un­teers are recrui­ted and recei­ve gui­dance and ins­truc­tions, agree­ments are made and sup­port con­cepts deve­lo­ped and adapt­ed to new situa­tions. Con­tracts with vol­un­teers and their reports are fol­lo­wed up. 

2.) On the one hand, the accom­p­animent for the par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the Ger­man cour­ses, which all appli­ed for the pro­ce­du­re of fami­ly reuni­fi­ca­ti­on with ger­man spea­king count­ries, is important so that they can prepa­re them­sel­ves well for the inter­views and the pro­vi­si­on of docu­ments and make arran­ge­ments with the rela­ti­ves in Ger­ma­ny. In spe­cial cases the tickets for the trip to Ger­ma­ny can also be paid, as with the visa per­mits by the Ger­man Embas­sy. Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Ger­man cour­ses in NAOMI is accom­pa­nied and pro­mo­ted. Agree­ments with the part­ner orga­niza­ti­ons that trans­fer cli­ents to Ger­man cour­ses are taken. Offers that aim to prepa­re for a life in Ger­ma­ny are deve­lo­ped. Tho­se who are hos­ted in apart­ments of NAO­Mi are also sup­port­ed in ques­ti­ons of the loca­ti­on, and we try to fol­low up the accom­mo­da­ti­on issues (dama­ges and repairs). 

3.) On the other hand, the social worker will advi­se and sup­port all par­ti­ci­pan­ts in sewing cour­ses and in the sewing work­shop. This is about tack­ling ever­y­day life, espe­ci­al­ly about inte­gra­ti­on in Greece. Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the­se cour­ses are, abo­ve all, refu­gees who are not part of the relo­ca­ti­on pro­gram of the EU or a fami­ly reuni­on, i.e. peo­p­le from Afri­ca, Afgha­ni­stan and other count­ries. Trai­ning needs, job search, fin­ding assis­tance pro­grams, housing and net­wor­king with other social insti­tu­ti­ons and trans­fers are tasks of the job, to find their rights in socie­ty and a self deter­mi­ned life in Greece as a wel­co­ming coun­try. Also, limi­t­ed finan­cial aid is to be gran­ted accor­ding to cer­tain cri­te­ria. For all tho­se who came to Greece befo­re 2015, the­re are no spe­cial pro­grams, but they are trea­ted like Greeks, so Greek insti­tu­ti­ons must be known. It will be more than nee­ded to crea­te a net­work and to prepa­re them for asking their rights in the Greek rea­li­ty and social sys­tem.  

4.)  Tog­e­ther with the core team of NAOMI, in con­ti­nuous cont­act and regu­lar mee­tings, the goals of the sewing work­shop and the Ger­man cour­ses and social worker work are con­ti­nuous­ly regard­ed  in order for all of us to check and adapt the same goals. Social worker is part of a com­mon effort and a com­mon lear­ning pro­cess of all employees, vol­un­teers and board mem­bers in the frame of the sta­tu­te for the sup­port of our cli­ents and social par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and social justice.

 The NAOMI social work is not an open coun­seling cen­ter, but is espe­ci­al­ly for tho­se who par­ti­ci­pa­te in the NAOMI cour­ses and groups. The­se are more than 80 peo­p­le. Regis­tra­ti­ons forms and docu­men­ta­ti­on of acti­vi­ties  are demanded. 

 5.) Emer­gen­cy cases: Only in excep­tio­nal cases and in spe­cial emer­gen­cy cases can refu­gees from out­side be given social sup­port and finan­cial sup­port tem­po­r­a­ri­ly and after trans­fer through part­ner orga­niza­ti­ons. This also appli­es to demands for help from camps-aut­ho­ri­ties or other sup­port­er- groups who don’t have the emer­gen­cy budget.


Doro­thee Vaka­lis, Pfrin. i. R.

Tel.: 0030 694 2516 220


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