Textile Academy


Pro­ject summary

In the con­text of the ongo­ing exist weak­ne­s­ses in socioe­co­no­mic inte­gra­ti­on mea­su­res for asyl­um see­kers and refu­gees in Greece, this pro­ject con­cre­te­ly addres­ses the signi­fi­cant lack of access to trai­ning, coun­seling, fair jobs, and inco­me for pro­fes­sio­nal and non-pro­fes­sio­nal sewers who belong to the abo­ve social groups. The holi­stic Aca­de­my Pro­gram along­side trai­ning on sewing skills pro­vi­des care­er coun­seling, Greek lan­guage, soft skills, and envi­ron­men­tal awa­re­ness and empowers so the atten­dants to par­ti­ci­pa­te in social and eco­no­mic life. Women and sin­gle mothers, the most unpro­tec­ted, are par­ti­cu­lar­ly con­side­red. Pro­fes­sio­nals get trai­ned and pre­pared for a new labor mar­ket boos­ting the Greek tex­ti­le indus­try, in need of skil­led workers. Non-pro­fes­sio­nals learn to be able to work for their own needs and in the best case gene­ra­te an inco­me by sewing for others. The Tex­ti­le Aca­de­my, part of the NAOMI Ecu­me­ni­cal Work­shop for Refu­gees, is clo­se­ly con­nec­ted with its Emer­gen­cy Aid and the NAOMI Tex­ti­le Pro­duc­tion with refu­gee employees.

The action is part of a pro­ject fun­ded with the sup­port of Otto per Mil­le of the Wal­den­si­an Church of Ita­ly. http://www.ottopermillevaldese.org)

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